PPC2000 takes the mystery out of project partnering… by mapping the way that a partnering team really works.
It aligns contractual project management processes with teamwork methods and behaviours.
PPC2000 offers a single contractual hub, allowing all team members to ‘contract as a team’ on identical terms.
PPC2000 integrates the design, supply and construction processes, from inception to completion… by setting up a practical and clear basis for all the key players to work together, according to agreed timetables, from early design right through to commissioning and handover.
Its unique Project Partnering Agreement sets the scene for successful partnering from day one and avoids the uncertainty of ‘letters of intent’. Its Commencement Agreement confirms the readiness of the project to proceed on site.
Additional members join the team by signing a Joining Agreement and specialist sub-contractors sign the back-to-back SPC2000 specialist contract for project partnering.
PPC2000 is the ideal contractual setting for the Integrated Project Team, as recommended by The Strategic Forum for Construction.
PPC2000 underpins trust and co-operation…by bringing together the Client, Consultants, Constructor and Specialists under a single multi-party contract, another feature that is unique to PPC2000.
The multi-party contract replaces the many bilateral contracts that the Client would normally sign, and avoids the separate partnering agreement sometimes bolted on to the traditional contract forms.
The Core Group reviews and stimulates progress, and reaches decisions by consensus.
Partners give Early Warning of problems so that the Core Group can take prompt action to minimise their impact and avoid disputes.
PPC2000 includes clear timetables for activities before and during construction.
The Partnering Timetable covers pre-construction activities and avoids delays and misunderstandings about who does what and when. It establishes a discipline for team members to be realistic about the amount of time they need for activities such as design development, value engineering, pricing and joint risk management. The Partnering Timetable also identifies obstacles outside the control of team members, for example grant of planning permission, site acquisition and availability of funding.
The Project Timetable governs the construction phase which starts with the Commencement Agreement. It governs the relationship between key output of team members such as the issue of ‘for construction’ designs, firming up of provision items, site decant and necessary approvals.
PPC2000 enables better inputs from constructors, consultants and specialists… by involving them as ‘signed-up’ members of the team, early enough in the pre-construction phase to add real value to the project.
Other contract forms don’t kick in until construction starts, when it’s often too late to establish genuine co-operation or achieve significant improvements. Early involvement of the constructor and specialists also means less abortive work, making the design consultants’ roles more profitable and satisfying.
PPC2000 enforces clarity of deliverables via the Partnering Timetable (in the pre-construction phase) and the Project Timetable (in the construction phase).
PPC2000 measures and rewards performance…by offering potential incentives in five ways:
- payment for the Constructor’s pre-construction services, such as contributions to design and process prior to commencement on site
- shared savings and shared added value
- links between payment and the achievement of key performance indicator targets
- further work with the same partnering team
- an ongoing role for the team members in the operation of the completed project.
PPC2000 is innovative, yet tried and tested.
PPC2000 has been used successfully on a wide variety of projects and programmes in the public and private sectors. These range in value from £250,000 to £700million.
Read our case studies and list of users to see how PPC2000 works in practice.
PPC2000 gives clients the best chance of realising their ambitions… by promoting early planning, clear pricing and integrated team working to achieve:
- reduced capital and whole life costs
- more sustainable solutions
- quicker design, supply and construction
- fewer defects and better quality
- fewer accidents
- respect for people
- more predictable outcomes
- higher productivity and profitability.